So the one thing about living in basement suites is you get bugs, fact of life deal with it. So I crawl out of bed and hobble my way to the shower.
There is a cricket in the tub.
Now depending on how I feel and what type of creepy crawly it is I will catch it and release it out side or send it to what ever god bugs worship with hot water from the shower head.
So I save this cricket, kick it out of the tub and figure i will find it after my shower and throw it out side.
Cannot find it even though it chirps continuously, my bathroom is not that big and i cannot find it.
Three days later I find it in the tub again and what do I do, same thing and no I cannot find it again.
Now sometime in the night the little bastard has moved from the bathroom to the kitchen and it is contentedly chirping away behind me somewhere as I write this.
That is my good deed for the year, I let the cricket live, just wish it was a little more melodic in it's chirping, because this cricket is loud.