Thursday, April 14, 2005


i was on the roof of a 20 story tower downtown,just hanging out in the middle of night shift and i found myself looking over the edge down at a mini van parked at the back door.i started wondering what it would feel like to fall and hit the was not a suicide thing,it was pure curiosity.i caught myself actually inching over the edge,i was so intrigued at the thought of falling,my body started acting with out my consent.i came very close to going over,when i realised what was happening and stopped myself,it took a long time to slow my heart down.that night my life nearly ended for the sake of curiosity,strange how things happen


H said...

I am far to afraid of heights to even get several feet towards the edge of a building. YIKES!

stonelifter said...

you get drawn over the edge without realising what you are doing,quite sobering