Sunday, January 22, 2006

on assesment

it could not be said any better than this statement by leon chaitow


In order to make sense of what is happening when a patient presents with symptoms, it is necessary to be able to extract information, to construct a story – or possibly several stories – based on what the patient says, what the history suggests, and what can be palpated and tested. These ‘stories’ should ideally tally, and offer direction as to where therapeutic efforts should be concentrated.

Out of this should emerge a rationale for treatment, involving objectives which might reasonably be achievable. Reasonable objectives might sometimes involve complete recovery, or, in other circumstances, no more than a partial degree of improvement in the present condition. In other settings, ensuring that for the time being matters do not worsen may be the best possible scenario. Whatever the plan of action involves, it should be discussed and agreed with the patient, and should ideally involve active patient participation in the process.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

'active patient participation '
ahh something sorlly lacking here in Japan