Sunday, May 08, 2005

rant of doom,doom's rant

regina looms ever closer,me,big jimmy and sean are piling into sean domestic mode of transport and zooming to the hinterland they call saskbush.yay.was throwing today and had to take that one last pull,could not stop when my hand started to get a little raw,nooooooo,and i paid for it,callous on my pinky decided that it would leave my hand with the implement.came home,poured hydrogen peroxide all over my wounds,cried like a little girl,just could not stop when i knew better,fucking idiot.just call me edward sissy hands.i have two new clients hitting my massage table on wedensday and my right hand looks like hamburger,fucking idiot.this is the last week at my old job,i have been uber restless since i gave my notice,change is most difficult,I AM NOT IN MY COMFORT ZONE.on the brighter side of things,haily says that i say she is hot,well i called her a cryptic creature and that to her equates to being hot so i guess i called her hot,hey i just go with it,works for me.the episode at the keg was kinda amusing,my friend chris is all liquored up and behind the bar is this new bartender named erin,and since my name is aaron chris thinks it is funny to ask erin if she has a boyfriend,she replies no so he promptly says aaron here is single.somewhat embarrasing then later that night i am home and the phone rings,it is erin,chris dialed my number and handed the phone to her as he was still at the bar.some what akward,gotta love inebriated friends.i got nothing else,night night


H said...

Well, geez, that sounds kinda conceited of me, doesn't it? I certainly didn't mean for it to come across that way! Oops.

I hope your hand is feeling better! Ouch. Hydrogen Peroxide is NOT fun.

stonelifter said...

i was laughing when i read that,at least i amused someone this weekend,not conceited at all.