Sunday, July 03, 2005

getting old

you know what i hate about getting old besides the fact i look like a geriatric 90 year old man getting out of bed and i have to hobble down the hall to the facillities? the hair,it grows every where. i got coming out of my ears and my nose and i get these big long nasty eye brow hairs. and it fucking hurts plucking all of it out. and then there is the soul patch that is growing at the base of my neck and the furry shoulders are a real treat too. natures little joke hah hah


Andrea said...

I didnt end up with more hair. I ended up with sagging flesh. Tight jeans work well for that.
I recomend you find a good barber that trims everything for you (they will do that) and talk to your girly friends about a good wax. Hurts like hell though.
Or you could be like my friends brother and flaunt it as true manhood.

stonelifter said...

i cut my own hair and my sister atacked me with an epilady once,who invented that medievil torture device?