Sunday, August 21, 2005


went a squatting-365 went up,i am gunning to break that all time record from my early 20's-540 pounds.maybe by new years,twood be nice.

now i think i shall hang about in my gravity boots doing an impression of a bat to decompress the spine and then go get some at 1000 miles a minute,can you not feel the excitement?


H said...

Hi Stone!

I hear you ran into Jill at the Fringe Sunday!I am jealous that she met you and I didn't! Hope you had a fringetastic time!


stonelifter said...

probably weirded her out but hey i recognised her immediatly,you people are way tall

H said...

Ha ha ha "You People" Actually, she is way tall. I am way average.
hahahah She called me right afterwards and was all like "I felt like a celebrity!" I was sad I wasn't there. I had just left the fringe to go for a nice walk to kinsmen... One day, my friend, we will meet!