Wednesday, October 26, 2005

the 12 cranial nerves

I-olfactory -the smelly nerve
II-optic- it is what you are reading this with
III-occulomotor- it is what you use to roll your eyes after reading this
IV -trochlea -dunno what it does as i am doing this all from memory,something to do with hearing
V-trigeminal -huh?
VI-adbucens -double huh?
VII-facial -makes you smile or in my case leer
VIII-acoustic -more hearing stuff
IX-glossalpharengeal- i do think it has to do with swallowing and the throat
X-vagus- no idea
XI-accessory(spinal) -for all you snap on parts
XII-hypoglossal- under the throat somewhere,no clue

look at all the education you get coming to my blog,next maybe i will list all the muscles that atach to the scapula. i can tell you are all trembling with anticipation.

i go now and check my books to see that i actually got the nerves right.


Andrea said...

My I-olfactory nerve is working over time right now. The guy in the desk across from me has bad BO.

stonelifter said...

awesome,and not in a good way

STAG said...

The Vagus nerve goes under the ear...will cause spasms when grabbed suddenly. Its the one Mr. Spock uses on Star Trek, 'cept of course, it is not on the shoulder but under the ear. Hurts like stink when you punch it.

Perogyo said...

I am still waiting to find out about the scapula!

12 cranial nerve said...

There are total 12 pairs of cranial nerves that originate from our brain and brain stem. Each of them carries different functions related to different senses of body. Apart from sensory functions there are also some that work as motor nerves or mixed nerves. We need more info:(