Thursday, November 17, 2005

ode to my shoes

for three years you have graced my feet.

you have been my companions to hawaii twice.
you carried me to the rim of diamondhead.
together we tread through the sands of pipline on the north shore.

you supported me in the power position whilst throwing in 30 some highland games.
the cabers i have shod my feet while struggling with those mighty foes.

we were together during my greatest feat.i pushed the earth through you when shouldering that 300 pound plus stone.

you are worn now,you are are coming unstitched.your rubber is wearing thin.

yes you,boreal kronos,a mighty set of shoes you have been.i do not regret purchasing you 3 long years ago.soon you shall be retired and gone and i will truly miss you.there are a few short journeys left in you,let us make the most of the time we have left.


Andrea said...

That was brilliant.
A damn good pair of shoes.

Kay said...

Awe, that's so sweet.
I'm jealous they've held up so well. Very jealous.

cher said...

lmao!! brilliant post stone!!
you know just how to make a pregnant woman cry don't you???

stonelifter said...

glad you like my tribute ladies

Anonymous said...

I liked your write up.....thought it was so funny and brilliant, I had to copy, paste, and send it in to boreal kronos makers!!!!!! LOL
It's a great add and makes me want to go and check these shoes out for real. Hope I wasnt supposed to copy write it?!......
Oh Shiit.....stonelifter, I might be in trouble?......

stonelifter said...

no you should be fine,i am sure they will get a kick out of it