Saturday, March 11, 2006

diseminating mind blowing shit

or so i like to think

found the article on propioceptive taping sitting in plain sight,figures.

what muscle has wow all over it today

the scm which is short for sternocleoidmastoid. it is that ropey muscle on each side of you neck.

the scm is actually a 2 belly muscle,each muscle inserting at the mastoid process of your noodle(base of your skull behind your ear).

one of the bellies originates on the manubrium of your sternum(your breast bone is collectively called the sternum but is 3 parts,the upper part being the manubrium,the middle being the sternum and the inferior part being the xiphoid process). the other belly originates at the medial portion of the clavicle.

i can hear you all out there begging to know what this muscle does,what does it do what does it do you cry. stuff i say,it does stuff.

ok-it unilaterally flexes the head to the same side and rotates the head to the opposite side
bilaterally they flex the neck.

knowledge is yours-bubye

1 comment:

Andrea said...

oohh I pulled, no ripped to shreds, that muscle on the right side of my neck by over reacting and spinning too fast. Doc thought
I had given myself a hairline fracture. Damn it hurt!!!