Wednesday, May 10, 2006

muscle of the day that has not been posted in weeks

ok what shall it be, I have been delinquent in this aspect of the old blog-o-rama but i am now perusing my copy of Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais-Germain. It is an anatomy book written from the perspective of a dancer, I highly recommend this book if anatomy is one of those things that gets you moist.

Let us check out the latissmus dorsi.

this is your main back muscle, the one that gives you that awesome v shape. It originates on the iliac crest( your hip bones) via the thoracolumbar aponeurosis ( a broad sheet of tendon) and spinous processes of the last 3-6 (depends on which anatomy book you read) thoracic vertabrae ( the little blade thingies that stick straight back off of your spine. the thoracic vertabrae start about 2-4 inches above your butt crack )and your lower ribs.

the lats as they are known in gym speak insert on the lesser tubercle of the humerus which is actually the front upper knob of the arm bone buried under all that meat just above your biceps.

what it does, well when you are on your 53 chin up you will be feeling the old lats yes indeed. the lats also medially rotate the shoulders, you know who you are, walking around with your chest caved in and your shoulders rolled forward. I see that and I just cringe, far too many of you peoples do that, stand up, stick your chest out, let the world see the goods.

you have been told.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.