Monday, October 02, 2006

The World is Flat


I posted that you should check out The World is Flat

Indeed if the U.S. and Canada do not get their collective acts together and raise the standard of education and quit catering to the lowest common denominator we will all get fucked over on the world stage.

First thing that should be dumped is the mind numbinng tv shit that makes people catatonic like reality shows. Tv in general is pretty pathetic.

The standard has been raised and we are more worried about political correctness than raising the bar. we will be losing on the world stage soon if this is not corrected.

You have been warned.


Mastabattas said...

Hey stranger. Found the link to here again. Did I ever tell you about the great Documentary you might enjoy? "End of Suburbia". Check it out.

Big Mama said...
