Tuesday, September 11, 2007

It's been awhile

hey that is a title of a song by Staind, I like that song-groovy

The world is still spinning, I am back with the track athletes at the university and life plods on.

On an impulse I saw the book from which this movie is being made, entertaining thus far and the movie looks good too.

Taking a course early October on proprioceptive taping, and you are saying what?

Ha I am not gonna tell you what it is so there, you will have to look it up, you know how to use google

meh more later


Andrea said...

Ya I am back - got the computer back. it sat for some time while our bank account was devoid of funds to fix it. Now I have to go around and see how all are doing.
Sorry about your new neighbours - we just got some as well. Not yellers but slobs. grr.

missed ya!!!

cher said...

i looked it up, started reading and then decided i don't have enough space in my head for things that don't relate directly to me or about me...

hey, ya, what's the deal on the scrappers that moved in? have you left any nasty notes yet? if you do, i would love to help you compose a couple. i wrote the book on nasty notes!

Kay said...

Thanks to you, I already know what proprioceptive taping is. I hope the course has good info and isn't too boring.

The movie looks rather good, I've never read the book for the Golden Compass.

I'm with Cher on wanting to know more about the upstairs neighbors. Any new drama?

How's your mom doing? And how are you doing with? I wish both of you all the best.

stonelifter said...

was not upstairs but 2 floors up and they got evicted