Friday, July 01, 2005

canada day

hmm let us see what happens
drink from noon on and become a humoungous twat
yell and scream at the top of your lungs like a great big twat
generaly behave like a hooligan and a twat
mouth off a cop in a drunken stupour while acting like a twat and get a well deserved beating
complain to the press that it is your unalienable right to get drunk on canada day and the cops had no right to break your face with a billy club because you were being a great big fucking twat
i am between a newfie bar and a house full of newfies and they are all drunk and acting like big twats,it is only 11 pm,it will be a long evening.
canada day,should be called i am a twat day.
fucking twats


Andrea said...

I love Canada day!
Damn but I miss it!

stonelifter said...

do not get me wrong,canada is an important day and a day to celebrate but to many people just use as an excuse to get more drunk than they normaly would and and act like total fucking jerks in the name of the countries birthday.what is indicitive of that was that 3 years ago there were maybe 30 cops on whyte ave and now they put over 300.i really do not care if people drink or not but truth be told,it it the legal drug for altering behavior for the worst and you get a crowd of people drinking for the same cause and it all goes to shit very quickly.whoa this could of been a post all by its self

H said...

I hear ya loud and clear... same thing happened to me Canada Day. I looked aorund in disbelief on Whyte avenune, until i felt as if I could crawl out of my skin just to get away from everything. Ugh. I get shivers thinking about it.