Monday, September 26, 2005

round round we go

heard shit today that i did not want to hear,kept a straight face though and never missed a beat in the conversation.well if you cannot lie to yourself you may as well lie to others. i am totaly discontent with things but yet i am also not eager for things to change. a case of better the evil you know than the one you do not.

one of the things i think i want is a relationship but that can be a double edged sword. a lot of people i know their relationships are either stagnant or on the way out.falling out of love seems to be not very pretty. on the inverse side i know a whole bunch whose relationships are in extremely good order and they are all happy as the circumstances of life let them be. maybe it is just the sex i want. maybe i am just better of being content maturbating once in a while and leaving it at that. it is way easier that way. no give ,no take and life just goes on.

like they say,careful what you wish for because it might come true. nothing worse than getting what you want and finding out it is a let down. bah this time of year always fucks me up,i despise grey weather,i am a plant,need sun so i can photosynthasize. nothing to do but continue.

just a foot note athlete comes from the word athleo which means to suffer,to endure,to contend for the prize. it fits


.- said...

always wished i knew a massage therapist
..... velma's [pie in the sky] lounge ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MY BIG FAT BLOB OF TEJAS BLOG ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I refuse to take life seriously until it starts taking me seriously.

Kay said...

I hear you on needing the sunlight. I'm so glad I managed to drift to Cali. Do you think you possibly have SAD? It's a seasonal depression thing... I did it mostly cuz of the grey wheather and all that. But sunshine (what there is of it) and even tanning beds helped a lot. (I know, the evil box of skin cancer). Just sayin. And stay out of relationships, if you go looking for one you never find what you want.

stonelifter said...

i would consider cali but it will drop into the ocean one day and i do not swim well

Kay said...

no it won't. and it's northern cali. so if the dropping starts, you could always make a run for oregon... just don't stay there too long, they're different.