Thursday, December 13, 2007

the way things work out

In 1987 I stood in front of Master Warrant Officer and replied to his question of what I wanted to be was a physio therapist

In 2007 I graduated from a massage school

roughly the same field, different approach



Kay said...

Master Warrant Officer?

And were you a young soldier(what branch was this??) of just a stipe or two at this point?

When you moving to cali with those magic hands mr sir?

cher said...

he's not moving anywhere Kay. Back right off.


ooohhh, now cher is trying to steal more than man... shes gonna have her hands full...

Bum Atom said...

you pick up rocks cool, you should drop them on people you don;t like, Squash

stonelifter said...

yo Kay-mo, I was in 745 communication squadron reserves and was a radio operator and weapons tech, and at that point i was a no stripper, got to corporal before i got out.

maybe I will come to cali by way of vancouver island when i pick cher up, on second thought you two together would probably be a bad idea, cali would never be the same again.

inner voices, cher is always scheming, you know this hah

taxitalk, people can run faster than me with a stone so they are pretty safe from getting squished